April's New Customers SALE 2023!

April's New Customers SALE 2023!
Here's a SALE for New Customers / Enrollees Only! 

If you start a Loyalty order of 100 PVs or more you will get 10% off your 1st order!


If you do a 200 PVs or more you can get 20% off your total Loyalty order! 

Just make sure when you Create Loyalty Order that at checkout your total PVs stay about the 100 PV OR 200 PV point after the discount to make it count! 

This is a great SALE for all of you that I met at my bazaars & wanted to start your Clean Living Journey!

Here's a quick link to my Starter Bundles Wishlist that are already a SMOKIN GREAT DEAL! 

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

April Gifts with Purchase💜

April Gifts with Purchase💜

This month we Celebrate the earth and the start of spring with April’s plant-based essentials.

As you welcome warmer, brighter days, freshen your home with the crisp, citrusy scents of Lemongrass and Orange essential oils. Then prepare your little ones for more playdates in the sun with our KidScents MightyPro blend of immune-supporting prebiotics and probiotics.* 

If your spring plans have you hiking in the mountains, take Soothe CBD Roll-On with you for a breath of fresh air when you need it. Plus, earn 10 loyalty points to treat yourself to more seasonal essentials.

100 PV 
Loyalty order: 10 loyalty points 
Retail value: $13.16

190 PV 
Lemongrass essential oil cleanses the air, neutralizes unwanted odors, and enhances massage practices. When taken internally, it provides circulatory and digestive support.*
Orange essential oil has a bright, uplifting aroma that cleanses and refreshes the air when diffused and removes adhesives and residues to clean surfaces. When taken internally, it may also support your overall wellness.*
Retail value: $46.72
250 PV
KidScents® MightyPro™ is a great-tasting blend of prebiotics and probiotics featuring over 8 billion active, live cultures specially formulated to support gastrointestinal, digestive, and immune health in children.*
Retail value: $95.08
300 PV
Soothe CBD Roll-On, 300 mg
Retail value: $176
There's some great freebies this month & I can't wait to get the CBD Soothe I have it hanging on my purse for quick use when out and about!  
PS: Incase your wondering what that is in the little bowl, it's dried Wolfberries!  

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

Lose Weight & Inflammation in 11-days!

Lose Weight & Inflammation in 11-days!
Hi, I'm so excited to share with y'all that Martha is doing a call tonight for those that are curious!  Just reach out to me🌱💜

I'll be sending out another blog on the SALE for New Customers that is happening this month, 
along with the FREE Gifts with Qualifying Purchases.

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

Lose weight, lose inflammation, feel great

What is 11-Day Jumpstart?

What is 11-Day Jumpstart?
The 11-Day Jumpstart is an ongoing, monthly program that is exclusive to my Young Living team and those that are connected to Martha K. through the Cutting Edge community.

I've had a few inquiring about the 11-Day Jumpstart, so I decided to make it easy for y'all to see incase you was curious too.

Some of you may already know, I have been dealing with the back & joint pain for many years.  I have scoliosis & have shrunk almost 2", which has given me arthritis in the spine, plus a few car accidents which caused loads of inflammation in my whole body & so much more... 

Anyhoo, just like many others as we get older, menopause hits, the result is I've slowly gained weight & the inflammation has gotten out of control.  Nothing that I tried worked to drop the excess pounds. I thought, "maybe this is all there is ... and well, maybe inflammation & menopausal weight gain has taken over and won!"   Then I saw the amazing results some of my friends were having in THE 11-DAY JUMPSTART!!

Don’t take my word for it, here is Katrina Kunstleben, who just completed the last 11-Day Jumpstart, talking about how it changed her life, reduced some of her chronic pain, and how excited she is to keep going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gcqz7Y3yo

All you need is a liquid supplement that would really help with pain, inflammation, fatigue. It’s a delicious juice but the main thing is that it reverses inflammation and that’s what your body needs. It also helps to detoxify the chemicals in your body which is another thing your body needs to heal. 

The chemicals hold in the fat. 

As we age, I know it's important that we take control of our health, our happiness, and our relationships with family. That starts with loving, respecting, and giving ourselves the time we deserve to be the best version of ourselves.cranky, you’ve been scammed. I know, I've been there... done that, too! 

If you ever tried dieting, diet pills, low calories diet food, diet plans that leave you hungry & cranky, you've been scammed.  I know lots of friends have been there & done that too...
I genuinely wish I could give back the time, money, and health that people (including myself) have lost due to these scams that only take you on a mental, emotional and physical roller coaster.

  • If you have trouble with inflammation
  • If you have trouble getting around like you used to
  • If you have digestive issues
  • If you have respiratory issues
  • If you have brain fog 
  • If you have issues with sleeping
  • If you need energy again
  • If you have trouble losing weight 
  • If you’ve ever had a diet plan fail you
  • If you aren’t confident in your body or its ability
  • If you don’t feel amazing physically and emotionally, this program is for you.
So many products and programs are centered around an easy way to make money off of people. This program is based on real food. It’s based on what our ancestors ate before obesity, diabetes, acne, depression or anxiety were even issues that people dealt with. It’s based on science, on traditional wisdom, on what we ate before fad diets and weight loss scams were the norm.

Martha's team is here to help you and coach you until you are happy and healthy in your skin. You can be the best version of yourself, and this program can JUMPSTART your journey in 11 days. You just have to stick with it & 11 days goes by so fast.

  • You will receive weekly meal plans in addition to daily outlines. Martha will walk you through recipes, how and what to cook each day so you’re never left unprepared. Everything is laid out for you.
  • 11 days of at-home workouts that anyone can do. The goal here is to introduce your body to moving and building muscle. The workouts can be modified for the more advanced athlete if needed.
  • Daily nutritional coaching via Facebook Live in our private group.  No more question marks.  Do this the right way, which supports your health as well as weight loss. Skinny doesn’t equal healthy. But if you follow this plan, you will be both slim AND healthy. As long as you follow the plan, there is no way to mess it up. Your body WANTS this and will release all extra weight when you implement it properly

You will receive 8 guides to teach you all about healthy living.
  1. The Kitchen Clean-Out Guide: if you don’t have junk food in your kitchen, you won’t eat it! This is a step-by-step guide on how and what to eliminate from your refrigerator and pantry. Everything from canola oil to wheat!
  2. Grocery Shopping Guide: so many people are overwhelmed when it comes to buying groceries, reading labels, and knowing what to buy. This guide will teach you how to easily and effectively grocery shop.
  3. Going Out Guide: yes, you can still go out to eat! You just need to know how and what to order, and which easy substitutions you can make. Have your steak and eat it too!
  4. Non-Toxic Cleaning Guide: a cleaning guide in a nutrition program? Yup! Household cleaning products are some of the biggest toxins we come into contact with. The body cannot heal, detox, or lose weight if you’re using them!
  5. Non-Toxic Body Products Guide: another huge source of toxins! The toxins found in body products can congest your liver and disrupt your hormones, both of which are essential to losing weight!
  6. Guide To Healthy Fats: fats are not your enemy! This is not 1983 and I am not a fat hater. Fats are actually necessary for losing weight! This guide will teach you all about which fats to eat, which to eat raw, and which to cook with!
  7. Guide To Healthy Sweets: this program recommends laying off of the desserts for 11 days, then slowly reintroducing them. You have the rest of your life to eat sweets, you can give it up and just eat natural sugars for 11 days. This guide will teach you which sugars are safe.
  8. Guide To Kids Healthy Eating: We all know feeding kids can be downright crazy, right? Sometimes we find something that works and just stick with that. But, what if that thing that works, is actually GOOD for them? That’s actually a thing. And you’ll get that guide here.
Here's the Deal... Give this program 11 days and Martha will teach how to get the body and lifestyle you want!      That’s right. After going through this Jumpstart, you will never need another diet or weight loss program. As long as you stick to it.

Here's how it works
  1. Message me so we can discuss your goals and challenges.
  2. I can invite you to the group where this Jumpstart is facilitated. A few days prior to the Jumpstart, you will receive all of your guides and materials to begin planning for your own personal transformation.
  3. You will watch Martha's daily Lives to get coached through your journey. Along with that, you may ask any questions that come up, and get the real answers that will help you along.
  4. Plus, you get me as an accountability partner who is going through this program too, along with hundreds of other like-minded individuals. Joining a program like this is so much more fun when you can do it with others!

If your ready to:
  • transform your body, health and happiness
  • eliminate brain fog
  • reduce inflammation
  • never diet again
  • reduce the risk of disease
  • lose weight from eating real, whole foods
  • regulate insulin levels
  • have more energy + feel awesome
  • get off the weight loss roller coaster
  • experience better sleep
  • have a general feeling of joy
  • and finally, have the body you want...
Then this program is for you.   We will work together to get you where you need to be.

Just message me the words JUMPSTART and we can discuss how to get the supplements for the 11-Day Jumpstart. (These supplements are completely natural and safe for everyone. I would not vouch for something that was synthetic or an isolated compound that could hurt anyone. These vitamins are derived from whole foods, and thus totally safe.)  Best part is, Martha doesn't charge you a thing for the program!  So much knowledge & it's FREE!

Message Me and we'll get you started!  503-970-8999

And let's get you and your family on a better way of LIVING Life again...

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

Due to the nature of this content and the fact that this program cannot be retracted once purchased, this program is non-refundable. By purchasing these products and participating in the program, you agree that Martha Krejci is not liable for any potential damages incurred. She is not a doctor or RD, the wellness program is simply meant to guide you to eat well and embrace a holistic approach to your overall wellness. Any statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not meant to treat, diagnose or cure you.

Thank you Colette for sharing & getting me started on a even better journey in life!

Welcome to my Webpage!💜

Welcome to my Webpage!💜
Hi, everyone!   As some of you may know, I've been a busy bee.🐝  In March, we attende the Two Heart Bazaar in Gresham, on March 11-12th & 18-19th.  Home classes followed.  (Also, a HUGE shout out to my sister Virginia Bansen & Phyllis Prath, for helping me at the bazaar both weekends).

Happy to say I just finished everyones iTOVi Bio Scan Reports.  I also finished entering everyone onto my webpage contacts, so you can learn more about Young Living!   

I feel very fortunate to have met the most amazing group of people this month, and can't wait to get to know y'all little better.  I'd love to help with anything you may need or want, whether it's 1-on-1 class or a group class with your family & friends. 

Some of you got to sample the YUMMY NingXia Red & heard about the benefits of drinking just 2 oz a day, or more if you decide to join me in the 11-day Jumpstart Challenge to help get rid of inflammation once & for all!  
Click here for a quick video on Discover the Science behind NingXia Red from our Young Living scientist.

Don't forget the 11-day Jumpstart has a BONUS of losing weight at the same time. Who could benefit from losing between 7-15lbs on average! (Let me know if you want more info on the 11-Day Jumpstart).

I know quite a few people I met over the last couple month are interested in the Premium Desert Mist Starter Bundle, Premium DewDrop Starter Bundle, NingXia Red Starter BundlePremium CBD Starter Bundle or the Thieves Home Loyalty Bundle.   Some of you wanted the Kidscent Little Oiler Snowy the Owl Bundle, or the KidScent Little Oiler Sprout the Puppy Bundle which I think is fantastic.

Young Living has over 600 products for everything from Oils, Supplements, Weight Management, Personal Care, Men, KidScent, Pets & Thieves Cleaning Supplies.  Just click the SHOP tab and this drop down box will show!

Now that you're a little more familiar with all Young Living has to offer, I want to remind ya that the FREE shipping for NEW customers will end on Friday March 31, 2023.  Only 2 days left.😉

I have cleared my schedule for Thursday & Friday March 30th & 31st from 9am - 7pm, for those that want to get together, or do a phone conference!  Reach out to reserve you time.☺️

You can call or text me at 503-970-8999 (or message me below in the comments) and I'll be happy to answer any questions & help ya get started.

The BEST way to get started is with 100 PV's (Price Value) in the "Add to Loyalty Order" so you can now get 24% off retail price!  You will then be locked in Wholesale prices for a year with no renewal fees. You will always be an active customer, a year from the last order date.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Another BONUS, on your 2nd month "Add to Loyalty Order" of 50 PV's or more, you'll get a FREE Desert Mist Diffuser! WHOOP WHOOP
You can change your order or cancel anytime.  After that, if you just want to be a customer and buy randomly & still get the wholesale price, then thats okay too.  There's no right or wrong way to being a customer!

Don't forget to check out the 
March Free Gifts with Purchases (just click the Young Living Logo & toggle ➡️ to this page).

I realize a lot of this maybe a little foreign talk with PV"s, Loyalty, Free Gifts, etc.  

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

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