Ditch & Switch Lubricants for Massage Oils

Ditch & Switch Lubricants for Massage Oils
Hi Everyone, let me start out as this may not be relevant to you, but you may have friends or family member you care about that it may pertain to.  
I don't usually do this kind of blog, but I was a pretty alarmed when I saw this article from life steps, as to just how harmful the chemicals that are in some of the products that are used everyday, I knew I had to share!   This is not just for intimacy, but for massages too.

YES, (See the attached articles links), some lubricant ingredients also have the potential to cause longer term chronic health effects including cancer and reproductive problems from repeated exposure over many years.  

Here's an healthier alternative!


As the gatekeepers of our homes we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products and create healthy habits for ourselves and families. Join us this month as we make a simple swap with a big impact. Ditch personal lubricants and use Young Living massage oils instead!

When it comes to physical intimacy, there are many things that can help or hinder us in the process. One simple way we can enhance our experience with products that don't harm our health is with Young Living massage oils. For use as a personal lubricant, Relaxation or Sensation Massage Oil would be a great choice.

Sensation is formulated to create a beautiful smell that is profoundly romantic, refreshing, and arousing. It amplifies the excitement of experiencing new heights of self-expression and awareness. This blend is also nourishing and hydrating for the skin. The unique blend of essential oils can encourage and amplify an atmosphere of love, excitement, and affection.

* Geranium essential oil is commonly used in perfumes for its uplifting aroma, and it can help balance hormones as well.

* Jasmine essential oil helps you develop a broader perspective with its romantic floral aroma—a very feminine aroma that embraces and exults the sacred masculine—and has been revered for centuries as a symbol of love and purity, harmonizing opposites to promote wholeness.

* Ylang Ylang essential oil has a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance and helps enhance emotional connection.

Relaxation massage oil can help restore a state of calm and invites tranquility to the mind, body, and spirit. The pure vegetable oils blended with essential oils are moisturizing and nourishing to help soothe all skin types. This calming massage oil combines some of our favorite essential oils from across the globe

* Lavender helps promote feelings of calm and relaxation.

* Ylang Ylang has a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance and helps enhance emotional connection.

* Spearmint and Peppermint are energizing and uplifting to the body and mind.

* Bergamot and Tangerine promote feelings of calm and connection to others.


Unfortunately both conventional and organic lubricants contain ingredients that can cause harm long after their use. These ingredients are toxic to vaginal tissue and disrupt the sensitive vagnial microbiome (balance of microorganisms that naturally inhabit the vagina).  Exposure to these ingredients can lead to discomfort, irritation, and increased risk of infection - even from short term exposure. Some lubricant ingredients also have the potential to cause chronic health issues including cancer and reproductive problems from repeated exposure.

In fact, there is growing consensus among scientists (check out the link) that the vast majority of lubricants need to be reformulated to be safer than they are now. Ingredients found in common lubricants that have known health consequences include:

* Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben: Preservative chemicals that can irritate vaginal mucous membranes, contribute to genital rashes, and potentially cause fertility problems and endocrine disruption.

* Chlorhexidine Gluconate: A disinfectant chemical that can kill strains of lactobacillus, which is a bacteria that is necessary for a healthy microbiome

* Cyclomethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Cyclotetrasiloxane: commonly found in silicone-based lubricants, these substances are linked to reproductive harm and uterine cancer in animal studies. Almost no research has ever been conducted to examine the long term impacts of vaginal exposure to these chemicals in women.

* Natural and artificial flavor, Fragrance: Flavors, fragrances, and aromas can include a mix of chemicals which can cause irritation and allergies

Dimethicone, Sodium Hydroxide, And more…. click to see all the chemicals in each brand!  (https://www.womensvoices.org/ingredients-of-lubricants-chemicals-of-concern/


* Sensation Massage Oil:  a blend of Coriander, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Jasmine, and Geranium that is romantic, refreshing and arousing, amplifying the excitement of new heights of self-expression and awareness.  

* Relaxation Massage Oilcombines Tangerine, Lavender, Spearmint, Ylang Ylang, Peppermint, Coriander, and Bergamot essential oils for their relaxing, restorative properties.

* Dragon Time Massage Oil: a soothing combination of Fennel, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Lavender, Yarrow, and Jasmine that is perfect for supporting women.

* Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil: tones and nourishes the skin with a blend of Grapefruit, Cypress, Juniper, Cedarwood, and Clary Sage essential oils

* OrthoEase Massage Oil: a blend of Wintergreen, Peppermint, Juniper, Eucalyptus Globulus, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Thyme, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Vetiver essential oils that warm and soothe fatigued muscles for relief 
(I use this one in my Muscle Roller Bottle everyday)

* OrthoSport Massage Oil: combines Oregano, Peppermint, Thyme, and Wintergreen to give a cooling sensation when used with a soothing massage, specifically following strenuous physical activity


Use your massage oil of choice in place of a personal lubricant for intimacy. There is always the option to further dilute the massage oil with V-6 carrier to test the area(s) or when making the switch. Note that OrthoEase and OrthoSport contain hot oils that have a warming or tingling sensation when applied to skin. 

Please click the massages oil links to get more info from Young Living site.

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

Supplements 10% off Sale!

Supplements 10% off Sale!

Make 2023 the year you ignite healthy living!

Did you know it takes only 21 days to create a habit? Think about it: In just 3 weeks, you have the power to reset your wellness routine and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

First comes the challenge, then comes the change.

Join us February 1–21 for the Stack Your Supplements Challenge. The goal of this challenge is simple: Stack your supplements for three weeks to create healthy, sustainable change. Think of it as a 21-day reset with the support of your Young Living community—plus a chance to win wellness prizes along the way!

YL is hosting an exciting challenge starting February 1!  📣

The first few months of the year always shine bright with endless possibilities, new resolutions, and fresh purpose! We invite you to kick off this year with simple, intentional steps to reset your wellness routine. The first step is to add core supplements, the building blocks of wellness, to your day to provide the basic support your body needs.

That’s why we want to help you save, so you can stack your supplements! ✨ Beginning TODAY, Wednesday, January 25, through 11:59 p.m., MT, on Tuesday, January 31, you can 👉🏼👉🏼 save 10 percent on select supplements. 

To target those specific new year goals you’ve set, we’ve curated supplement "stacks" that include member favorites: 






Changing any routine takes commitment and time. However, like we said, it takes only 21 days to form a habit? Think about it: In just three weeks, you have the power to develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

To start this new year off strong, we’ll be issuing an exciting challenge starting Wednesday, February 1. Get ready to share (if you want to share OR just follow along on everyones progress) how your supplement stack has reset your routine and ignited your motivation for a chance to win prizes. Stack your supplements now and be sure to tag us with #MYYLSTACK to share your overall wellness goals. 

➡️Wondering how to take advantage of our stacked supplement savings? Here are a few details:

· Discounted supplements are available in the U.S., Canada, and NFR markets beginning at 9 a.m., MT, on Wednesday, January 25, through 11:59 p.m., MT, on Tuesday, January 31.

· Discounted supplements are available through one-time/standard orders or loyalty/monthly (ER) orders.

· Loyalty Rewards/Essential Rewards (ER) points are not eligible for use during the sale.

· The discount applies to price and PV.

· Customers and Brand Partners can place as many orders as they like during the offer period.

· Order limits will apply to Super C™ tablets in the U.S. market only.

Start the year strong with stacks of supplements!
To help you build your health while you work toward your goals, we're discounting select supplements for a limited time! 
Stack your supplements and save 10 percent until 11:59 p.m., MT, on Tuesday, January 31, on Super B™ tablets, Super C™ tablets, Super Vitamin D™ tablets, Life 9® probiotic supplement, and more! 
Plus, share how your supplement stacks have reset your routine using #MYYLSTACK and earn an opportunity to win a free stack every week from February 1–21!
Follow my referral link to Young Livings 21 Day Stack your Supplement Challenge to see all the details!

Remember New 1st time Customers, you can get in on the supplement sale too.  
10% off the select supplements & then at checkout the 15% off for 1st time purchases!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Yes, I know I can be kinda a KOOK, but thats okay, cuz I like to have fun!😂
Anyhoo please reach out to me with any questions, I'm always happy to help someone get started or even someone thats been doing this for awhile.  It's nice making friends along the way.

Who's ready for a 
Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

Anna Adams

Open House Oct. 21st - 22nd, 2022

Open House Oct. 21st - 22nd, 2022
I’m so excited, to announce that I'm going to Host an Open House! 
I will have my sister Virginia Bansen Co-hosting to help with any questions too!

I've had a few asking about Young Living & want to open my door to help ya get to know what Young Living is all about!  It's not just oils, there's soooo much more.

So, who’s wants to come say Hi & check it out? 
Bring a friend or a few more the merrier! 

Please let me know☺️

We all want the same thing in life & that is to be healthier in a more natural way!   

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

September Diffusing Ideas VS Candles

September Diffusing Ideas VS Candles
Hi again, I have some info that I knew I had to share with y'all, so....

Who wants to join me in wellness for the BER months (September, October, November, December)? 

Let’s have a diffuser challenge! I diffuses everyday, all day long & set my diffusers to the max time they allow. (Each diffuser is different).

Did you know 1 hour of burning a candle does the same damage as 1 cigarette?? 🤢🤢

Did you know “just” diffusing oils encourages wellness?!  

Yes, it can & it's called aromatherapy... your sense of smell is one of your 5 senses & it plays in a Big roll when smelling the Young Living Essential Oils. 
🌱Our Sense of Smell
The brain's Olfactory Bulbs are "Hard-Wired" into the Limbic System, which is why the sense of smell can evoke such a powerful response. This system influences the Endocrine System as well as the Autonomic Nervous System.
The limbic system is often called the seat of all emotions.

Whether it's a Happy emotion you get when you smell Lavender & remember walking in the Lavender field in Utah. 
Some smell that triggers you into remembering an unpleasant event that happened in your past.  
Maybe it's a smell that reminds you of a past love one. 
Young Living has some great Essential Oils that may just help you release the triggers, or help ya remember the good times. 💜

Want to know more drop me a comment.

🌱Now that you're aware a little bit on how the Olfactory & Limbic system works, here's a graphics with oils/diffuser ideas. It also has the cost associated, to get started on your diffusing journey.  
Just pick the ones that sound good to you & may want to try, or get them all😉🧡

🌱 On this next graphic, the price beside the title is how much it would cost per diffuser fill up (I have mine set to last 8-10 hours)! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

🌱 I'm also excited to announce that Young Living dropped the prices in 2 diffusers to $31 each.  
The Haven Diffuser & Ember Diffuser—.(Available while supplies last)

🍁 The new Fall Simplified Collection launched on the 1st as well! 🍁 It’s going fast so grab it!!

Here’s my link if you wanna grab one of the diffusers & grab the Simplified Fall Collection… aka hit the EASY button for “smells like fall”.

Fall is in the Air (click here for my easy wishlist, I made of ALL the products mentioned on this blog).

Order ala cart using this link. If you are asked for a referral ID mine is #4363740 

For those of you that's never ordered before, just know I’ll be your oily guide & you’ll get a welcome package🌱🍁🧡

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

To get back to my webpage just click my name on the top😉

September 2022~ YL Free Gifts with Purchase

September 2022~ YL Free Gifts with Purchase
Hey everyone, hope y'all are doing good and had a nice, safe Labor Day weekend, Now that the kiddo's are off to school & things are starting to settle down into a routine, you'll find yourself with more time to enjoy some of the other little things in life.  

With Fall being just a couple weeks away & as I sit in my backyard typing up this blog. I start to see the golden yellow in the Red Wood (Sequoia) Trees in the neighbors yard.
The days & nights are getting shorter already... it makes me realize just how much I love Summer & will miss all my flowers when they're gone.  Here's a couple pics I just took.💜

Even the Bee's are fighting for the last of the pollen before it's gone.   So nice to see the "Sharing is Caring" going on with these two bees.❤️

But even with the shorter days, I'm so looking forward to all the fall colors that come with the change of the season...
The one thing I'm not looking forward to is "the health challenges" & all "the icky" that goes along with it.  Thank goodness Young Living already thought of that!!!

This month they focused on Wellness with their September Free Gifts on Qualifying Purchases. 
When you order through the Loyalty Program or regular 1 time shop order.  (Remember, shop orders don't get all the freebies like the Loyalty cart does).

Alright, you ready?  
Let’s break down these promos to see what you get this month!!!

You’ll earn your normal 10-25% back in Loyalty Rewards, PLUS an additional bonus 10 LR points!
and as a Bonus this month YL is tossing in for those that do a Loyalty Reward Order free...

🌱 Einkorn Crunch!  
I was able to sample this at convention and it was like, "Popcorn and corn nuts had a baby".. it is delicious and easy on your teeth. Love how Danielle descibes it!😂

Have you ever had such an emotional reaction to something, your chest felt tight. Like something hurt your soul so badly, you couldn't breathe? Yes, me too. Our physical reactions stem from our emotions. RC has such an uplifting smell.

This oil blend is one of the most Popular from Young Living, cuz it works so well. It's like an Immune System powerhouse!  I Thieves everything☺️ Great way to keep dirty germs at bay.  Diffuse it,  Love adding Orange to my Thieves in the diffuser.
Put on bottom of the feet.  Thieves even comes as a vitalty, make Thieves tea with honey and lemon. YUM  It's also may help with oral health too.
(And there’s a whole line of cleaning and personal care products that use Thieves oil blend. It’s amazing for cleaning - you can add a few drops to a bottle with a capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to power boost the cleaning power. Or use a few drops of Thieves + Lemon with baking soda to clean tubs and tile… it’s so good!
Thieves also smells AMAZING in the diffuser - like there’s cookies baking in your oven. Experiment with fun combos like Thieves + Tangerine to make a pumpkin spice diffuser blend).

🌱 Breathe Again™ essential oil blend, 15 ml
We've loved this Blend as a roll on & now it's available in a 15ml bottle & it's FREE this month!
Wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with Breathe Again! Add a few drops to your diffuser before bed and enjoy the feeling of fuller, deep breaths with a natural cooling sensation from this blend of Copaiba, Myrtle, Peppermint, and more.
(PERFECT for diffusing.  Love having this on hand for when I need it).

When the tears start coming, KidScents SniffleEase saves the day with a relaxing, quieting aroma that’s cool to the touch.  Great for diffusing and not only for the Littles, adults can use it too.😉

Your body is hard at work to keep you healthy and strong. Give your germ fighters extra support with Inner Defense! Keep a bottle in your bag and take one capsule 3–5 times a day to arm your healthy immune system with added support.  
Didn't I say fall is in the air?  This is my go to, to help support anything that comes at my family & I.  This is ALWAYS in my cabinet & on hand.  Just started taking it again at the beginning of the month.  Also get for when you're traveling and around people all the time. 

🌱 UNLOCK more benefits with Loyalty Rewards...

A Quick Run Down...

Like I said, loads of great product this month to help keep our wellness going in the right direction.  

Need any help in placing an order, please feel free to contact me, I'd love to help!

Order ala cart using my link & if you are asked for a referral ID mine is 4363740

For those of you that's never ordered before, just know I'll be your oily guide & you'll get a welcome package.🌱💜 

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a 
Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱

Anna Adams

To get back to my webpage just click my name on the top😉

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