Eat foods low in protein and sodium. Excessive sodium and protein will overwork the liver and prevent it from focusing on liver stone elimination. Foods low in protein and sodium include all fruits and raw vegetables. In addition, stay away from cholesterol-rich foods, including processed meats, pastries, egg yolks and ice cream.
Add Turmeric to your diet. This common East Indian spice contains a substance called curcumin, which has powerful antioxidant effects.
This is what Young Living has to offer.
Young Living Golden Turmeric Mango Rose

Add PEPPERMINT leaves to your diet. Add peppermint to meals or drink it as a tea. Drink 2 cups of peppermint tea every day.
Young Living Peppermint Vitality 5ml YL has Peppermint Vitality & Peppermint. Both bottles have the same Essential Oils in them just different labels.

Take Milk Thistle herb in tablet form. Milk thistle contains a powerful phytochemical called silymarin, which can stimulate and strengthen the liver to help disintegrate and flush out liver stones. It may also help the liver regenerate new liver cells after damage occurs. Take one 175-mg tablet twice day, preferably with food. This is what I used Milk Thistle Herb
Take Dandelion Root capsules. The dandelion flower contains a substance called inulin, which stimulates the liver, helping it to break down and flush out liver stones. It may also aid the liver in detoxifying the body of disease-causing toxins. The recommended dosage is one 750-mg capsule twice daily with food. This is what I drink. Dandelion Root