Christmas Spirit & Bazaar Weekend!

 This holiday season, let the comforting and uplifting aroma of Christmas Spirit essential oil blend fill your home with the joy and warmth of cherished memories. Christmas Spirit, a sweet combination of Orange, Cinnamon Bark, and Northern Lights Black Spruce, is renowned for its ability to evoke feelings of happiness and security while creating a festive atmosphere. Its versatile nature makes it perfect for holiday gatherings, gifting, or simply enjoying a cozy evening at home.


Let's Talk the 14-Day Reset

Today, I thought I'd share with you my journey that started a year ago in March, right before the bazaar at the Old Kmart in Gresham.  When I met some of you, I may or may not have told you how I was on a mission to take back control of my body!  All with some changes to my diet/ eating habits, more water intake & exercise, while drinking one of my most favorite nutritional drink!🍷  Well, I'm happy to report, not only did I reach my goal, but have kept it off and out of my body for a whole year!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


4th of July Fireworks with Pets

 Celebrate the Fourth of July with your loved ones and keep your furry friends calm and comfortable through the festivities with essential oils. By using these natural solutions, you can avoid the need for prescription medications and ensure your pets feel safe and relaxed, even during intense firework displays. Additionally, explore our special Independence Day blends, perfect for evoking a spirit of unity and freedom.


Lets talk Perfume & Cologne!

If you know me, ya know I’m a HUGGER!🤗 So, have you ever hugged or walked by someone only to get a whiff of their overpowering perfume/cologne, and then you're stuck with a stuffy nose or a headache?  Let me tell ya it’s not fun!

I used to be that girl wearing the expensive perfume full of chemicals too, so I'm not knocking ya. 😉  Little did I  know back then all the side effects of the “FRAGRANCE” I was applying to my pulse points, for quicker absorption. 😳🤦🏼‍♀️ This blog may not be for you, but you do know love ones that are using these harmful fragrances, so feel free to share..

Merry Christmas!🌲

Merry Christmas, as Christmas Day comes to a close and our hearts are filled with love, it's important to take care of ourselves during this indulgent time. Young Living's essential oils, such as Digize and NingXia Red, can be our secret weapons for combatting the effects of holiday indulgence. Whether it's a few drops of Digize combined with NingXia Red for a happy tummy, or KidScent TummyGize for the little ones, these oils can provide relief and support during the festive season. So let's enjoy the holidays with a happy tummy, just like Santa himself! Cheers to a prosperous and healthy New Year ahead!
Merry Christmas, tummy, DiGize, NingXia Red, TummyGize, bloating, Santa, 11-day Jumpstart, KidScent TummyGize
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