September Diffusing Ideas VS Candles
Hi again, I have some info that I knew I had to share with y'all, so....

Who wants to join me in wellness for the BER months (September, October, November, December)? 

Let’s have a diffuser challenge! I diffuses everyday, all day long & set my diffusers to the max time they allow. (Each diffuser is different).

Did you know 1 hour of burning a candle does the same damage as 1 cigarette?? 🤢🤢

Did you know “just” diffusing oils encourages wellness?!  

Yes, it can & it's called aromatherapy... your sense of smell is one of your 5 senses & it plays in a Big roll when smelling the Young Living Essential Oils. 
🌱Our Sense of Smell
The brain's Olfactory Bulbs are "Hard-Wired" into the Limbic System, which is why the sense of smell can evoke such a powerful response. This system influences the Endocrine System as well as the Autonomic Nervous System.
The limbic system is often called the seat of all emotions.

Whether it's a Happy emotion you get when you smell Lavender & remember walking in the Lavender field in Utah. 
Some smell that triggers you into remembering an unpleasant event that happened in your past.  
Maybe it's a smell that reminds you of a past love one. 
Young Living has some great Essential Oils that may just help you release the triggers, or help ya remember the good times. 💜

Want to know more drop me a comment.

🌱Now that you're aware a little bit on how the Olfactory & Limbic system works, here's a graphics with oils/diffuser ideas. It also has the cost associated, to get started on your diffusing journey.  
Just pick the ones that sound good to you & may want to try, or get them all😉🧡

🌱 On this next graphic, the price beside the title is how much it would cost per diffuser fill up (I have mine set to last 8-10 hours)! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

🌱 I'm also excited to announce that Young Living dropped the prices in 2 diffusers to $31 each.  
The Haven Diffuser & Ember Diffuser—.(Available while supplies last)

🍁 The new Fall Simplified Collection launched on the 1st as well! 🍁 It’s going fast so grab it!!

Here’s my link if you wanna grab one of the diffusers & grab the Simplified Fall Collection… aka hit the EASY button for “smells like fall”.

Fall is in the Air (click here for my easy wishlist, I made of ALL the products mentioned on this blog).

Order ala cart using this link. If you are asked for a referral ID mine is #4363740 

For those of you that's never ordered before, just know I’ll be your oily guide & you’ll get a welcome package🌱🍁🧡

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

To get back to my webpage just click my name on the top😉


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