Happy Friday, hope y'all are able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine we're having.
Here is PANAWAY, the 2nd oil that I'm highlighting out of the Premium Starter Bundle.
I know some of you that have met me, know my story of how PanAway is the 1 oil that got me on my Young Living journey! I'm so happy to be able to share how it has changed my life by helping me get off all the narcotic pain-reliever pills, muscle relaxers, nerve pain prescriptions, etc, that I was on for 5yrs straight after my car accident! I've seen way to many Doctors & Specialists for my spine & had a few rounds of nerve block shots, back surgery etc., yes the list goes on and on...
I love knowing that I now have a natural way of dealting with all my body aches! For me this little gem & and few others, have done the trick & I even found a way to release inflammation!
It's been a journey & a journey I'm willing to share so I can maybe be able help you too, all you have to do is ask.💜
PanAway® essential oil blend is one of Young Living's most popular products, and for good reason. This blend is a mix of four powerful essential oils - Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint - that help soothe and stimulate muscles after exercise or anytime you need a little support!
PanAway includes the naturally occurring constituents methyl-salicylate and menthol, which work to support and relieve tired muscles and tendons. The cooling sensation of PanAway makes it the perfect companion for an active lifestyle. Apply it topically after your workouts to feel completely refreshed! One of our favorite PanAway oil uses is to combine it with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and apply it to the chest first thing in the morning for an uplifting boost from its crisp scent. PanAway oil can be used to make a soothing bath soak by adding 10 drops to a cup of Epsom salt; (https://amzn.to/3BCqb84) the cooling oil mixed with warm water turns your bathroom into a spa! Whether your favorite PanAway essential oil uses are post-workout or simply relaxing from a long day at the office, this complex and cooling oil is the perfect way to give tired muscles a treat.
- Offers a refreshing, stimulating aroma
- Soothing to fatigued muscles after physical activity
- Provides a cooling sensation when applied to shoulders, neck, and scalp
- Stimulating blend of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint essential oils
The essential oils in PanAway work differently than conventional over the counter muscle rubs. Conventional products contain counter-irritants that simply make the skin tingle so the brain may forget the underlying pain. Essential oils work differently. They can penetrate through the skin, into the cells of the muscles and tendons to support the body through pain and healing.
Each oil in PanAway plays a specific role in supporting the body.:
- Wintergreen: supports the body's response to injury and inflammation, supports pain reduction
- Helichrysum: supports the body through inflammation, muscle spasms and pain
- Clove: a powerful antioxidant that helps the body during pain and also supports immune system
- Peppermint: main constituent is menthol, which may work as an analgesic and is highly effective and penetrating through the skin, allowing the essential oils to reach the areas of need.
- Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them sprecic health- supporting properties
- Methyl-salicylate: a naturally-occurring compound that may have analgesic properties; synthetic methyl-salicylate is commonly used in many over the counter preparations for minor aches and pains.
- Menthol: has been studied for is used to support healing and relief of minor aches and pains
- Gamma-curcumene, Eugenol
Did you know that all of our essential oils have stress relieving benefits - even if they don't have a special name? It's easy to remember to grab the Joy, Stress Away, or Peace & Calming when it comes to dealing with less “physical” issues, but when you put together a list of your must have basic oils, no matter what they are, they will all be supporting your emotional functions as well.
One of the heavy-hitters in the round up of basic oils is PanAway. It smells like root beer. You probably keep it on hand for physical relief, muscle soreness, cooling massage after a workout, but get ready - this blend also helps us to release…
Exhaustion. Sign me up for a vat!!!
We all know that pain is exhausting, and emotional pain can be crippling when it is pushed down for a long time without being addressed. Our connective tissue and muscles are directly affected by this type of repressed stress.
When you use essential oils, you are not simply addressing a surface issue of “something hurts”. Essential oils interact with our brain and our nervous system. As we intentionally work on managing stress, we begin to CHANGE the instructions and signals our brain is sending out for our survival and protection.
If you find yourself exhausted, it may be time to have a talk with inner you. What is swimming around in there, unanswered, unheard, unfelt. Using PanAway can be a great way to start releasing some of that deep pain and/or exhaustion.
- Combine PanAway with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and use it with massage after physical activity for a cool, stimulating sensation.
- Apply it to your neck and shoulders in the morning with V-6 for an uplifting, refreshing aroma.
- Apply it to the bottoms of feet and calves for a relaxing massage. This is especially wonderful after standing or walking all day!
- Combine 1 drop of PanAway with 4 drops of V-6 and rub it into your scalp and the back of your neck for an invigorating massage.
- Combine 1 cup of epsom salt (https://amzn.to/3BCqb84) and 5 drops of PanAway and pour into hot water for a relaxing and refreshing detox bath
- Optional companion oils: Copaiba, Frankincense, Oregano, Aroma Siez
Make a ‘Head On' roller for head and neck tension.
- 10mL roller bottle I love these roller bottles that have Gemstone Tops & gems inside. (https://amzn.to/436Ogzw)
- 20 drops PanAway
- Optional: 10 drops each Lavender, Copaiba, Frankincense
- Carrier oil of choice
Make a ‘Release' roller for emotional exhaustion
- 10mL roller bottle (I love these roller bottles that have Gemstone Tops & gems inside. https://amzn.to/436Ogzw)
- 20 drops PanAway
- Optional: 10 drops each Tangerine, Lavender, Release, and/or White Angelica
- Carrier oil of choice
- Diffuse PanAway to refresh, renew and release deep set feelings of Exhaustion!
"My Favorite way to use PanAway is...Muscle Roller Bottle"!
10mL roller bottle (I love these roller bottles that have Gemstone Tops & gems inside. https://amzn.to/436Ogzw)
I also use the OrthoEase Massage Oil as my carry oil, I love how it give me a little extra to soothe my tired overwork muscles, but you can use V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or OrthoSport Massage Oil any carry oil. (https://amzn.to/3pUStrK)

Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Our diffusers are running 24/7 with blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the refreshing scent of PanAway!
- Morning Sunshine: PanAway, Lemon, Tangerine
- Relieve It: PanAway, Copaiba, Lavender
- Sinus Saver: PanAway, Dorado Azul, Lavender, Peppermint
- Candy Hearts: PanAway, Tangerine, Vanilla
- Frosted Forest: PanAway, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Wintergreen
- Deep Relief Roll-On
- Copaiba essential oil
- Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream
- CBD Muscle Rub 300mg
- CBD Muscle Rub 600mg
- CBD Drops
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.
Who's ready for a
Healthier Clean Living Lifestyle?
Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜
Anna Adams
Young Living #4363740
Thank you LifeSteps for the great info.
The amazon links are what I & many others use.