Happy March!  
Spring is in the air and the daffodils are peaking their way through even though today it's still trying to snow out!😂  

Today, I thought I'd share with you my journey that started a year ago in March, right before the bazaar at the Old Kmart in Gresham.  When I met some of you, I may or may not have told you how I was on a mission to kick inflammation to the curb & take back control of my body!  All with some changes to my diet/ eating habits, more water intake & exercise, while drinking one of my most favorite nutritional drink!🍷   

Well, I'm happy to report, not only did I reach my goal, but have kept it off and out of my body for a whole year!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Here's a pic is me last March of 2023 standing at my booth & an updated pic of me January 27th, 2024, so you can see the difference!   
I could go on to tell you just how many pounds and inches I lost but I think the pics speak for themselves.😉

You want to know what I did Shed?  
💥 The shame of how I allowed my body to get out of control (due to the pain I was going through).  When I first started this journey, I didn't even share the pic of me in the green shirt from last March!  I used the maroon shirt pic that was taking in April, and that was after two months of drinking my Yummy red juice! It wasn't until the end of January that I decided that people should see just how much I have lost.  You can even see the tired look vanishing from my face, to now seeing the true happiness of feeling good again.   So yes, I shed not only weight and inches, inflammation, but the guilt and shame of letting myself get that way to begin with.
I also shedded...
💥 Way less Inflammation
💥 Achy joints subsiding
💥 Brain fog seems to be a thing of the past
💥 Stress released
💥 Inches vanishing
💥 Weight disappearing and staying gone😂 
      This is NO yo-yo diet, because this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change, that sticks with you from learning new way of eating.
💥 Less bloat 

Want to know what I gained?  
💥 Impoved SLEEP qualtiy
💥 Way more ENERGY
💥 Getting my Focus back
💥 My tummy is feeling way better
💥 My Eyes are Impoving
💥 Skin and Hair Improving

What some of my friends are seeing
💥 Lower sugar levels support
💥 Immune support
💥 Antioxidants support
💥 Heart Health support 
💥 Respiratory support
Just to name a few, but there's so much more. 
I don't want to get into that part just yet.  When you're ready I'll share all the testimonies you'll need.  There's sooooo many of them!  Here's one of my friend who is doing it, see her chart of what she release in just 14 days!!!   And another one of my ladies lost 8.7lbs & 9.55inches!!!   Oh and before you ask, this IS for MEN & KIDS TOO!!!  YES, it's for the whole family if you want it to be. The great thing is it's teaching you what foods we don't want to put into our bodies and the ones that causes inflammation.  It's not just one thing, this protocol is so simple how it all works together.  I have all the info you need to follow the easy protocol, and do this thing!  Just reach out to me, and lets get you started!!!❤️ 


If you're new to Young Living then I also have a PROMO CODE for 10% off your 1st order.  I'd love for you to use my Young Living Wishlist Linkso I can be your support person, and get you all the info you need so I can cheer you on!   Not sure which one to get?  You'll need 102 ounces for the 14 days!  Remember this is only part of a bigger protocol,  and I'm here for any questions, just reach out in the comments or text me.😉

Let me tell you this isn't a diet or a fad, it's a lifestyle change for you and your whole family to start feeling better!  Once you know how to start feeling better and seeing the difference in your body, you will not ever want to go back to your old ways.  Trust me I know, a year later and I'm still rocking it.  This is so easy that even I was able to do it & I don't even know how to cook!😂🤦🏼‍♀️

So if you was one of the lucky ones to have tasted the Yummy Red Juice at the bazaar last year then you know what I'm talking about!   If not, and still on the fence about it, then mark your calender, cuz I will be at the Old Kmart, Spring bazaar again March 16 - 17th 2024, come see me, I will have small samples to taste it.🍷    

Come see all of us vendors, we would love to see your smiling faces visiting us.  Oh and the EASTER BUNNY will be there for pics and games!  
Dog friendly too🐶

One last thing, since I have you here.😉  

The March FREE Gifts with Purchases!!!
So when ordering by mindful of the free products you could earn!
I hope that wasn't too much to share, but figured you'd only want 1 blog vs 3 different ones😂

Please reach out to me with any questions, as I love helping & connecting with all of you.

Who's ready for a change in your Health & Wellness,
by Living a Cleaner Healthier Lifestyle?  

Hugs & Cheers till next time🌱💜

 Anna Adams
Young Living #4363740

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease