Christmas Spirit & Bazaar Weekend!

 This holiday season, let the comforting and uplifting aroma of Christmas Spirit essential oil blend fill your home with the joy and warmth of cherished memories. Christmas Spirit, a sweet combination of Orange, Cinnamon Bark, and Northern Lights Black Spruce, is renowned for its ability to evoke feelings of happiness and security while creating a festive atmosphere. Its versatile nature makes it perfect for holiday gatherings, gifting, or simply enjoying a cozy evening at home.


Let's Talk the 14-Day Reset

Today, I thought I'd share with you my journey that started a year ago in March, right before the bazaar at the Old Kmart in Gresham.  When I met some of you, I may or may not have told you how I was on a mission to take back control of my body!  All with some changes to my diet/ eating habits, more water intake & exercise, while drinking one of my most favorite nutritional drink!🍷  Well, I'm happy to report, not only did I reach my goal, but have kept it off and out of my body for a whole year!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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